Why the best Liposomal Vitamin C supplements contain Glutathione.
Absorption Rates
Liposomal Vitamin C supplements provide higher absorption rates than traditional supplements, so why do I need Glutathione? You want to get the most out of your Vitamin C supplement, Glutathione helps you absorb more Vitamin C via Ascorbate Recycling.

“To minimize the loss of vitamin C through metabolism and excretion, efficient retaining mechanisms have evolved, including ascorbate recycling, in which dehydroascorbic acid is rapidly reduced to ascorbate intracellularly by glutathione…”
You can read the full article here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3884093/
If it’s so good, why don’t all companies add Glutathione to their Vitamin C product?
In a word. Cost. It is more expensive and complicated to produce than Vitamin C on its own.
So if you want the best Liposomal Vitamin C product, make sure it contains Glutathione.